How Can I Be More Manly – As Well As Societally Palatable

The first thing the socialists and feminists will be screaming when they read the title is “TOXIC!!!! No to toxic masculinity!!!!! Everything is toxic!!!!!”

But is it? I mean really? Is it? The easy and honest answer to this is no, it’s not. Why? Being a man is not about running around abusing everyone and getting into violent conflict.

Being a man is about helping people who can’t help themselves. It’s about being rugged but also kind and loving. It’s being strong and reliable. Standing up for yourself, even in the face of adversity. It’s about perseverance and taking risks. Building and creating for the betterment of all.

The current climate which seeks to eradicate men as we know them are severely misguided. Without the support, risk taking, creation, manufacturing and determination that men bring to the table society as a whole will suffer greatly.

Self reliance

It’s important for men to be able to provide and support. It’s part of us and what we do. The first step, should be to get to a position in life where you can support yourself without assistance.

Yes, there are many of us these days who many not have jobs, may not have the money for houses, but being self reliant is about more than just that.

Being able to cook your own meals, do your laundry, get around on your own. All these are traits of being manly. They may not sound it but self-reliance is for many men the ultimate show of manliness.

To be fully self-reliant a man should have savings and an independent means of income. Yes, a job is all well and good but if there is an issue with your company or the markets in general, such as a recession, you may find yourself jobless.

Having your own business, even one that brings in a few hundred dollars a month is bringing you closer to needing nobody to survive.

Walk the walk not talk the talk

As we all know talk is cheap and many men like to talk a good game. May lie about their successes or achievements. They may not be very reliable, failing to show up when they had agreed to meet.

Being a man is not being an expert in showing off and being number one at everything. It’s about doing what you will say you will do. Being honest and reliable. Manly men can be relied upon when they give there word.

Men who lie and fail to live up to their bravado and big words are seen as weak and full of wind and bluster (lesser men).

To become more manly you will need to start taking more responsibility for your words. To put your money where your mouth is, as it were. By showing people that you can be relied on will make them feel that you have their backs.

Own up and accept everything, no blame

This goes hand ion hand with walking the walk. Being honest about everything and not blaming others is a noble trait and one a lot of people cannot pull off.

Sure it’s easy to make excuses or blame others for your failings, sometimes it’s true, there are things beyond your control. That’s ok to call them out but in the vast majority of times it’s all you.

Being late, not being able to pay someone back, forgetting to be somewhere, losing something. All things that you could easily make excuses for. But don’t. Be a man and own up when you make a mistake.

You will be respected far more if you make a mistake and own up to it than if you just whine and bleat and blame everything and everyone else but yourself.

Be careful when making mistakes too. It’s manly to own up to them but not so much if you keep making them and not learning from them. Use a mistake as a lesson and improve yourself.

Be determined in what you want from life

Knowing what you want in life is something we should all know. Drifting along in life like a boat with no sails or rudder will not keep you satisfied for long, if at all.

Men need to be doing stuff. It’s what makes us tick and keeps us going through life’s hardships. It may be a passionate hobby that drives you, the desire to run your own business or maybe to have a nice house.

No matter what you are into, find something you love and let this drive you forward. Make goals, and plan out your future. Use your passion to keep you going.

Giving up and quitting when things start to get tough is not a manly trait. Being stoic and sometimes a little stubborn can get you through most of life’s tough times. (interesting fact – most blogs fail (90%+ because people quit too early before they even have a chance to grow and become successful)

Don’t be afraid to be a man, enjoy bloke stuff

If you like manly type hobbies like dirt-biking, woodwork, metalwork, weight training / bodybuilding, then keep going. Don’t give up your hobbies if you really enjoy them,

If you like going to the bar and having a few beers while watching sports and talking sh*t with the fellow barflies then keep doing it (but go easy on the beer)

There is nothing wrong with doing things that men prefer to do more than women do. We don’t hear anything about women doing things like knitting and baking cakes as being toxically feminine do we?

If you are fan of dressing in a manly way too then don’t change. If you like to wear jeans and boots with big chunky belts and plaid flannel shirts then so be it. Be you, be manly and enjoy it.

In conclusion.

Being manly does not necessarily mean being gruff and rude and growing a huge beard and dressing like a lumberjack. It means to be mature, responsible, honest, respectful and decent.

For most men, you don’t even need to change your habits, dress code, and hobbies. I, for example, can cook (quite well actually), I can sew – I make furniture and fix my own clothes, I do arts and crafts. But it doesn’t turn me into some effeminate foppish dandy who waves a lace handkerchief everywhere.

For me, I try my best to be honest, open, hard-working, determined, reliable, and true to my words and actions. I feel this on a scale of 1 to 10 of manliness would rank me at a good 8 out of 10, with a ten being the kind of guy who bites the heads of snakes rather than runs away, the guy who opens bottles with one hand and rides around town in a jeep.

I know I may not be a rugged as some guys and that’s ok, it’s not a competition. We are all different. What is important however is that I try to be the best version of myself that I can be and this article is why you should too.

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