What is toxic masculinity – Is it actually a real thing?

Toxic masculinity in its original sense refers to excessively dominant behaviors that are socially destructive such as misogyny, homophobia, greed, and violent domination.

Toxic masculinity is a type of anti-social behavior in some men (small minority) which have quite exacerbated consequences as a result of their actions. The toxicity is believed to be able to be spread if left unchecked, to other susceptible males

Most men do not exhibit any of the negative traits originally labelled as toxic masculinity but nevertheless still get tarred with that brush, Why?

What we mean when we say toxic masculinity?

In today’s anti male, socialist, feminist society we are made to believe it’s pretty much anything males do or say. A boy hits another boy for taking his car, toxic. A boy pulls a girls hair for laughing at him, toxic. A man smiles at a woman, toxic.

It appears we don’t (society) know what on earth we are talking about when it comes to toxic masculinity and how it’s defined. We are in a culture where everyone is fragile and professionally offended by the tiniest of slights.

Things done and said 5 years ago are now reasons to get a baying mob to someones door and get them fired from their job.

In actual fact it’s society that is toxic not men. But many men are just too weak to stand up or they are part of the professionally offended, thinking they can get a brownie point for sh*tting over their fellow man, not realizing, like in the French revolution, they will be next for the chop.

What does masculinity mean to you?

Masculinity is all about bravado, both real and false. Being sometimes a bit loud and boisterous. To show strength and stoicism in the face of adversity. To protect others who are less able. To be chivalrous towards women but also a bit of a cheeky bloke too.

That’s what masculinity means to a great many men and more besides. It has been that way for hundreds of years and has been the source of strength for men to put up with many difficulties. To build camaraderie and life long friendship.

What is the difference between masculinity and toxic masculinity?

There is a huge difference between the 2 despite what modern day socialists would have you believe.

If you look at the basic traits of both definitions you will see that masculine men, while some of their potentially rowdy behavior may seem unpalatable to the most frail of society, no not have any malicious intentions nor are their actions designed to cause harm, suffering or long term psychological harm.

Toxic males on the other hand are self-centered, woman-hating, aggressive, greedy, spiteful, and violent individuals. Very different. About the same as fire and water despite what we are force-fed in the media.

What causes toxic masculinity?

Like many social justice experiments and forced leftist social changes it’s actually the suppression of normal healthy male behavior that is causing toxic masculinity to rear its ugly head.

Today we are forced to evolve into completely different beings with different behaviors overnight, ignoring thousand of years of evolution.

Now as men we cannot be the boss at home, so now our need to guide and protect the household is diminished.

We cannot take risks as we need to focus on the needs of society rather than our own. Business ideas are left as dreams. Trips are left untraveled. Skills are left unlearnt.

Competition has been pushed out of schools and society. Making us all at the weakest level of the lowest common denominator rather than challenging ourselves to be better.

Stamping out the primacy of work. Our desire to achieve and succeed. Being reviled for working hard and making it in life.

Stamping out all these things in men causes stress, depression and can lead to men withdrawing from society and can lead to substance abuse in the form of alcohol or narcotics.

The effects of being stifled by so much negative social conditioning may result in men snapping and going off the deep end rather than being able to let off steam in gradual, safe, non-offensive ways.

What is the role of a man?

The role of a man is to be a leader. A man you can rely on, the head of the house who can do anything, fix anything be anything. The man who can laugh and cry with you. Who can take care of the bills and also the family.

The man also works hard, does his best, beats the competition to bring home the bacon. He is one of the linchpins that keeps the family grounded.

He is also the punchbag. When the going gets tough he takes it all in his stride without grumbling. He takes all the blows life has to offer and he gets up and keeps on going.

He is also the faithful hound that is by your side. He does not need much just a pat on the head and to be told he’s a good boy.

In conclusion

Society today seems to want to victimize men and cause them undue suffering and there does not seem to be a valid reason why. Not all men exhibit toxic behavior in the same way that not all male behavior is toxic.

Boys exhibit masculine behavior when they are young, they can be aggressive and sometimes they can go too far but not all boys are aggressive all the time. Rough-housing with other boys is a healthy part of growing up. It teaches understanding of dominance, aggression, hierarchy, competition and respect. These are not traits to be learnt. These are behaviors that are in us all to one degree on another.

As boys, we learn to harness these traits and turn them into positive tools. Dominance becomes protection, hierarchy becomes drive, competition becomes ambition.

If you try to stamp out all forms of male expression you won’t allow these tools to be formed all you are left with is a bunch of jagged unfinished lumps of metal which are then used as weapons such as misogyny and violence. That is the core of toxic masculinity

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