What Is Feminism & Why It Should Go (Hint, Hateful Ideology)

I know this topic is very controversial but I feel it must be discussed nonetheless. Feminism in its original form was an admirable goal. It sought to end the imbalances in life between men and women, which if you ask most men, will definitely agree that it is not only noble but essential for real equality.

What is feminism in simple terms? According to Wikipedia, which gives a reasonably accurate description. It states: Feminism is a range of social movements, political movements, and ideologies that aim to define, establish, and achieve the political, economic, personal, and social equality of the sexes.

What are the main types of feminism?

  • Liberal Feminism – First out of the gate, these feminists worked within the boundaries and regulations of the system to try and change it from within. Not much was accomplished as the movement was still in it’s infancy
  • Radical Feminism – Came next and was seen by many (including women) to be the least desirable way to effect change. Often by forcing change aggressively and inconsistently but providing a groundwork for cultural feminism, which came later.
  • Marxist / Socialist Feminism – Marxism recognized the oppression of women and joined with the radical feminists to create social feminism. A more left-leaning, zero-sum game feminism, which began to target men with the aim of redistributing everything from power to money with the intent of bringing down the elite rather than lifting up the weak.
  • Cultural feminism: Has taken over from radical feminism and has been chopping away from the rear at our social values. Slowly instilling the notion that all women are good and all men are bad it seeks to undermine our core values and replace them with a more palatable female set.

What are the beliefs of feminism?

Feminists believe that there are innumerable injustices and atrocities being committed daily all over the world. Sadly this is true but a point where the views of men and feminists agree.

Feminists believe that men are like the apple in the garden of Eden, the cause of all evil and corruption in the world as we know it.

You will hear from them how bad the patriarchy is and how it should be dismantled. How men need to be forced to understand women as we cannot possibly ever do so (oxymoronic argument)

The main beliefs for feminists in the west is that the disparities in western life are immense. The glass ceiling prevents women achieving the same earnings and promotions as men, that they get a bad deal in the home having to do all the work and getting no benefits, that women are paid around 20% less than men for doing the same job (gender pay gap) and that most men are potential rapists and capable of sexual assault.

What is feminism fighting for?

The original goals for feminism as mentioned were noble. These goals included things that we have today that many women now enjoy as a part of their normal lives, thanks to the efforts of women who fought before.

Things like the right to vote, the right to work, the right for equal pay, the right to go outside alone without a male chaperone.

Many of these rights, once a pipe dream for women are now part of everyday society. Does it mean that we are equal now? No, not in the eyes of feminists.

Now there is a blend of feminism which seems to have taken all the negative elements from the previous iterations of feminism and fused them into one hateful ideology. One that seeks not only to get equality but to reshape society and to bring men to their knees, as punishment for their past transgressions.

What is the aim of feminism today?

The aim of feminism today is to break down society as we know it and reshape it into a matriarchal system that punishes men and rewards women. To smash the aforementioned patriarchy and all its faults and replace it with a state of nirvana where no men have any power or say in how the world is run.

Why we should eliminate feminism

If you look at how society runs today it does seem to be more male oriented than female but let’s break down why this should not change.

Men work in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) which pays well as it’s a sector in high demand but women hate working in this sector. Feminists want men to stop benefiting here, reducing salaries which will result in men being less incentive’s to make new breakthroughs which will result in less new tech, medicines and innovation in general. Only 7% of inventors are women. Imagine now that 93% of everything in your life was not there, that’s the feminist dream going forward.

Men work in dangerous jobs. I have yet to hear a feminist demand to work in a sewer, or on an oil rig, or demand to work an extra 20% more hours every week. Yet they want men to be punished for this as doing these things attracts financial premiums which they believe are unwarranted.

There have been a few instances where feminists have created female only businesses (illegal by the way, if a man tried that he would be in court) one notably a cafe where men had to pay a surcharge to use it and another was a media firm which only employed females to work there. The cafe as a result, went under as men were unwilling to pay the “gender pay gap tax” as it was not only a fallacy but also illegal and men felt this was going too far.

The media firm also went bust as the women who worked there spent their time arguing and bitching about each other instead of getting the job done. After the finances began to plummet they ended up hiring some men which resulted in the women starting to work hard, presumably in competition, they fawned over the men and began fighting each other once more but now for the men’ attentions. The owner, after losing half a million dollars, stated that she will never work with women again.

On a more social aspect we also have the radical #metoo movement which tells us that we have to believe all women. The law is slowly changing to reflect this and despite innocent men having their lives ruined this movement still shows no signs of losing it’s momentum.

Feminist led government surveys in the US showed that, according to the statistics that 20% of all women in the US have been raped or the victims of attempted rape. These same statistics, when broken down show that the figures also include sexual assault and attempted sexual assault. Feminists have now managed to say an unwanted touch to the arm is the same as rape.

Society is now slowly being pushed in favor of women at the expense of men. the feminist argument is take from the man and give to the woman. The essence of social justice or in this case injustice

In conclusion:

In truth modern society needs men, we make decisions, we do dangerous work we die earlier at work. We bring innovation and new things to the world for everyone to benefit from.

Making us earn less because you want to work easier jobs is wrong. Pulling us back in school because we are more innovative is wrong. Accusing us of things we did not do because you are ashamed of your bad behavior is wrong.

Equality is not a zero-sum game. If you take a house from a man and give it to a woman that is not equality if you now have made the man homeless.

If you take all a mans food and give it to a woman that is not equality as the man will die from hunger.

If you take all a mans money and give it to a woman that is not equality as the man now cannot afford to live.

There are many inequalities in the world today, some favor men some also favor women. If you want equality then everything needs to be equal. Feminism seeks to benefit women at the expense of men which is why it’s a hateful ideology that needs to be eliminated before it’s too late.

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