SIGN Of Toxic Women, Shame, Insults, Guilt, Need To Be Right

What is a toxic woman? A toxic woman is a woman who displays SIGN, an acronym comprising of the following toxic traits Shame, Insults, Guilt, Need to be right. Why do they do this? It’s a power struggle pure and simple. When a woman displays any of these traits it’s to exert an unfair/unnecessary force over another person using manipulative tactics.


One of the biggest ways women shame men is with criticism. One of the most common complaints from men is that his woman wants him to open up and be more vocal about his thoughts and feelings by shaming him into submission as his introspectiveness is an obvious lack of feelings on his part.

Once a man begins to open up and share his feelings he is then mocked and ridiculed and told he is weak and not a strong man, thus shaming him again for just doing what was asked of him in the first place.

Shame can cause men to feel inadequate, and often leave them with a painful sense of humiliation or distress caused by a woman’s abusive words.


One of the woman’s strongest weapons in her arsenal. A woman will often employ deploy a barrage of insults when she feels slighted or cannot get her way for some reason. When men assert themselves a woman will often try to shame them or make them feel guilty but when these 2 arrows fail to hit the mark it’s time to bring out the big guns in the form of insults.

Criticizing men is an easy target for women as they know how to hurt men and often attack men where they can feel most vulnerable. Appearance, accomplishment, nurturing skills, self-worth, financial worth are all easy targets for women. Calling out men for not being rich, not being tall, not being kind, not being a decent guy is often the woman’s go-to response when she is not on top of the power play.


Guilt, like shame, is often used to make a man submit to a woman’s demands. As the definition of guilt states: to make (someone) feel guilty, especially in order to induce them to do something.

Very often these statements, made by women, usually pull on men’s insecurity and fear strings despite having done nothing wrong.

Men are hardwired to help, lead and be the provider, so making them feel like they are not doing this can be a highly effective (while toxic and damaging) attack.

Need to be right

A woman when backed into a corner will rarely admit she is wrong. Like a cornered cat she will lash out with claws while spitting venom despite knowing she is on the wrong but oh so desperately needing to be right.

Logic gymnastics are the weapon of choice here. You will often see a woman refer back to a real or perceived slight that took place many years before and may (or even may not) be related to the altercation at hand.

You will hear expert wordsmithing like:

Man: Why did you cheat on me?

Woman: Because you were always working.

Man: To give us a better life.

Woman: But you were never here so I was lonely.

Man: So that gives you the right to cheat?

Woman: Well, you flirted with that waitress 2 years ago when we had dinner at that restaurant.

Man: She did a good job so I said thank you and gave her a tip.

Woman: You never tell me I do a good job or give me extra money.

And it goes on.

The woman will try to hide her misdemeanor by blaming him for her poor behavior and when the doesn’t work she then tries to conflate an innocent encounter in a restaurant with infidelity and then when this fails tries to shame him by calling him cheap.

What can men do about this behavior?

Firstly men can call it out for what it is. If a man really cares about the relationship he can sit down with her and talk it through, explaining why the behavior is bad and why it will not be welcome in the relationship.

He can also be silent and ignore this behavior. If you are in a relationship then the above approach is recommended ads failing to communicate in a relationship is dooming it to fail. However, if this behavior is coming from a woman you are not in a relationship with then you owe them nothing.

If silence does not work then the best thing a man can do is to remove the toxicity. If he is not in a relationship then he can relocate to another area of where he is or if that is not possible to relocate to another venue.

Confronting a woman with this kind of behavior is not recommended as quite often it can infuriate them and they could escalate the situation with violence, hitting, or throwing things (remember we have inadvertently given the women the power to assault men and they know that most guys will not reciprocate). They may also use the damsel in distress ruse to call a few beta male ‘white knights’ to come and save the day. A few crocodile tears later and you are in a fistfight with a stranger, it’s simply not worth the hassle.

If he is in a relationship with this person then it may be time to get counseling or if that fails to leave the toxic woman and get some alone time to rest and rest himself. Dealing with toxic women can take a toll so it’s important to pull yourself back together before attempting any other relationships.

Key takeaway

Men should never accept this behavior from anyone, let alone someone they are involved with. It’s this weak, beta male acceptance that has empowered women to become abusive and nasty and to also see it as ‘their right to do so’

If more men stand up to this and refuse to accept it then the tide will change back to where men and women are can coexist without any undue negativity and treat each other with decency and respect.

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