How To Have Good Manners – Everyone Loves Well-Mannered Men

Many modern day people, not just men seem to have lost the art of possessing good manners. Being decent is easy and in the seas of rudeness and indifference having good manners will make sure you are a cut above the rest.

Say please

This one should go without saying but in some countries it’s often missed. It’s such a small word but softens a request so much. Use it liberally

Say thank you

The same with thank you. Use this to show you recognize that someone has done something for you, no matter how small. Ungrateful people expect things and avoid using thank you. Don’t be that guy.

Eye contact

Not looking at someone you are interacting with is the height of rudeness. If you don’t look at someone while you are talking to them it tells them they are not worth your effort.


Smiling is a great way to interact with people. Many more people will react more positively to a scowl or indifference so get practicing

Don’t ignore

If someone goes to the effort of talking to you then the very least you should do is acknowledge their existence. Maybe saying something along the lines of “Can I help you?” will give you an idea as to their intent.

Don’t raise your voice or lose your temper

Shouting or getting angry is a surefire way to get everyone’s back up. Not only will it not get you anywhere but it makes you look foolish and shows people you have no self control.

Don’t interrupt except with excuse me and sorry

Interrupting people is point blank rude so you should not do it if possible. Wait politely for your chance to say something. If it is extremely important then preface your introduction with “Excuse me, I’m very sorry to interrupt but….” This shows the person/people you are aware that you are interrupting but you have a good reason.

Say pardon instead of what

If someone says something to you and you did not hear them and you want them to repeat what they have just said, you can tell them “Pardon?” or “Sorry, can you repeat that please”

Saying “What?” is both rude and offensive. You are telling the other person you are superior and they are bothering you.

Apologize where needed

Don’t be afraid to be sorry about something. If you bump someone, mishear them, pretty much anything outside a normal interaction which results in a minor conflict, just apologize. It gets you out of many spots and leaves you on the moral high ground every time

Ask permission

If you need to pass someone and there is no room, if you want to sit somewhere, if you want something in general, ask for permission.

A “May I…….” or “Do you mind if I ……” goes a long way towards getting what you want. Just grabbing something, doing something or barging past someone is not polite and quite aggressive.

Don’t be critical or negative

In many situations there may be times where you will need to give feedback in one form or another. Seeing a movie, eating some food, giving an opinion.

Try to soften any blow with a neutral comment rather than a negative one, better yet if you can find something positive, even better. You will be remembered for it, trust me.

Knock before entering

Even if you are in your own home, when you enter a room and you are not sure if anyone is in there or not then you should knock. If there is someone in there they may be busy doing something or getting changed. Knocking gives then a chance to respond and can avoid any potentially unpleasant situations

Avoid bad language

Swearing and using inappropriate language is a sure sign you have a limited vocabulary and lack of respect for those around you. There may be young children or elderly people nearby and using bad language may offend them.

Don’t show boredom or say so

You find yourself in a boring situation but rolling your eyes, yawning and/or telling someone you are bored is very rude. Try to be more engaged with what is going on rather than shutting down, ask if you can be excused if this is at all possible.

Covering your mouth, cough, sneeze or yawn

There are times when our mouths will open involuntarily, whether it’s a cough, sneeze or yawn. Try to cover your mouth when doing so as it’s not only polite it will also save others from getting a faceful of what is currently exploding out of your mouth.

Hold doors open for the next person

I am still surprised at people who just barrel through doors and let them just slam into the person behind them without a second thought. Yes you may be busy or in a hurry, granted.

But if you actually check, the extra time it takes is a few seconds, just to look over your shoulder and pause slightly to let the other person catch the door with their hand rather than their face

Silence when eating

Chomping away noisily with your mouth open is quite disgusting and most people associate this kind of behavior with small children, farm animals the the uneducated. Eating silently with a closed mouth will not cause any sudden loss of life or injury so try it and be loved by all.

Wipe your mouth with a napkin not your sleeve

When you have finished eating wipe your mouth with a napkin, serviette or tissue. Avoid using your own clothing as this is quite unhygienic and not something people want to witness.

Don’t reach over people

While you are at the table and you need to get something that is just out of reach then ask someone to pass it. Reaching over people is rude and you may accidentally knock something over or drape your clothes in the other persons food.

Also when you have finished, leave your cutlery placed together and collect up the plates and put them neatly. Leaving food crumbs and other garbage on the table is very poor manners

Give up your seat if someone needs it more

You will often see signs on public transport echoing this tip. If you see an elderly person, a mum with a child or someone with a physical disability then offer your seat.

If you are capable of standing then this act of kindness will be not only easy for you but will earn you big karma points.

In conclusion:

As representatives of our gender lets all make a difference. Be nice, be polite, be well mannered, be strong for others.

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