How To Be Less Depressed. A Helpful Guide To Combat Symptoms

Depression is something around a third of us experience at one time or another in our lives and it can get quite debilitating.

You may not actually do anything at all in the day but you are exhausted. Even trying to muster up the strength to make yourself a hot drink can seem like you are trying to climb a mountain.

If you are feeling sad and have been for a few weeks or more consistently then there may be a chance that depression has already knocked on your door. To avoid making them a permanent house guest we need to look at ways we can combat depression and the desperation it brings.

Depression can be tackled in a number of ways. Individually each may have a small effect but together they can form a powerful tool to break that negative feeling your life.

To reduce the effects of feeling depressed you should make time to eat and eat well. Make sure you get adequate sleep and are well hydrated. Getting out and about is beneficial as you can meet family and friends and get a little exercise away from your 4 walls.

Eating healthy and regularly

When you are depressed it’s easy to lose your appetite as well as the will to even make something to eat so it’s crucial that you try to maintain you meal regimen even though you may not feel like eating.

You will already feel bad and tired but not eating well can lead to malnutrition and rapid weight loss, neither of which are good for you.

Eating a healthy balance meal will keep your body well nourished and will give you the best chance at recovery so don’t skip meals.

Avoid triggers like alcohol caffeine and sugar.

Eating some foods however can make you feel worse than if you hadn’t eaten at all so try to avoid them where you can.

Processed foods like sugar should be avoided, while sugar is a go-to comfort food it can often leave you feeling low and miserable after the sugar high had dissipated.

Avoid caffeine for the same reason. Caffeine can stimulate your body short term but if you are suffering with depression then it can trigger stress if you are not careful and consume too much.

Alcohol is a depressant so you should avoid this as it can definitely make your condition worse.


Try to get at least 8 hours of quality sleep if you can to help keep the low feelings at bay. Sleep is our body’s way of repairing ourselves and it repairs your mind as well as your body.

Too little sleep and you will always be running like an unserviced car. The chances for something to wrong are increased.

Let your body rest and also let your mind make sense of what you are going through. A good nights sleep will leave you more inclined to tackle the world.


Not being active is naturally bad for your body but if you are depressed then chances are you may move around even less than if you weren’t.

Getting out and doing some light exercise can keep your body healthy and in good working order. It can also make you tired if you are suffering with a lack of sleep. Combining a bit of exercise with a glass of milk before bed can give you that missing sleep you so desperately need.

Time with family and friends

Being around others can really help as long periods of isolation can lead to loneliness and add to your depression.

Going out to do something fun with your friends like grabbing a nice lunch somewhere interesting and having a really good chat can be just the ticket.

If you re really feeling disinclined to go out then either try and force yourself to make the effort or invite them over. What is important is that you have that face to face exposure with people who care about you.

Hobbies – take your mind off it

Often depression can come about as a result of other conditions like anxiety or stress so it’s important to find things that can get you out of your own mind and the worries therein and into something more interesting and positive.

Hobbies can interesting, fun, rewarding, challenging. Many different things and more. A hobby can be a good way to fill a void in you life which may have happened at the result of a past event in your life which has given rise to depression.

Hobbies can often be done with others so if you have a hobby that falls into that category then you can consider looking online to meet friends with a similar interest who wants to share your hobby and hang out.


Sunlight is a natural giver. It keeps the planet habitable and stops us from spinning off into space but the sun helps our bodies produce vitamin D so it’s always good to get into the sun for a while. It also can have a positive effect on our mood also.

If you can manage to get out when the sun is shining you can tackle more than one effect of your depression at the same time. Being out and about is a good way to bump into people and share a smile and a chat.

It’s a good time to take a little exercise and you will help your body get the vitamin D it needs to keep you healthy. It will also be a time when you will see nature in all it’s splendor as well as birds chirping happily in the trees.

Inaction – just keep moving

Remaining at home and not doing anything will make things considerably worse, especially if you are inactive while at home. You may not feel like going out but you can keep busy in the house by making a list if things that need doing and then getting them done.

It may seem like doing the dishes or sweeping the floor can help but it’s all about getting things done. We guys thrive on accomplishment so even small wins like a clean sink will give us a small mental boost which can give us the motivation to tackle the next item on the list.


As we get older we begin to realize the meaning of life is not about looking in but looking out. Not at what we can get from life but what we can give, what kind of legacy we want to leave behind.

Men are naturally geared towards being hunter-gatherers and providers so there’s nothing better you can do than to help someone who needs help more than you do.

The upside of volunteering is that you will meet positive and kind people who often make awesome friends. People who you want to be around as they lift the spirits of all those around them.

In conclsion:

Lack of men’s health programs and increased social pressures have given rise to conditions like depression in society but we can take steps to avoid falling into its trap.

By making and keeping to a schedule where you eat, sleep and keep occupied can be a great way to keep the harmful effects of depression at bay, but if the issue persists then go and see your doctor to get help.

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