MGTOW – What It Is & What It Can Do For Men – A Full Guide

Many of us have heard of the term MGTOW and know what it means but there are many who may think they know and of course a vast number of those who don’t. So let’s do a real deep dive to find out what is MGTOW all about.

Before we can do this we need to answer the main question and that is: What is MGTOW?

MGTOW is a men’s movement that focuses on removing men from imbalances and injustices so they can lead happy and fulfilling lives according to their values and standards.

Where and when did MGTOW start? It started in the early 2000s by 2 men, an Australian and a Scandinavian, both of which were advocates for equal rights for men. The idea that modern society treats men better than women is a myth perpetuated by mass media and most leftist influencers when reality cannot be further from the truth.

Nobody really knows where the MGTOW movement started but it’s safe to say that it gained popularity on social media on sites like Youtube where men’s concerns were finally being heard and no longer ignored.

How to pronounce MGTOW, it’s a 2 syllable acronym pronounced ‘mig-tao’. What does it stand for? Men Going Their Own Way. What does this mean? It essentially means men taking a step back from being involved with women at all levels from work colleagues to relationships.

What drives men to go their own way? What are the reasons for MGTOW? When you look at the inequality in relationships you will see very quickly that men get the crappy end of the stick. In the workplace and educational facilities, women falsely accuse men of things from unwanted advances to rape, even when the claims have been proven false the men’s work and/or education are ruined and the women rarely get punished for this disgusting act.

In the home, we see that men are accused of assault, rape, and child abuse when there is no evidence to support this, innocent men are ripped out of what they believed to be a happy home and thrown to the street. In the US many attorneys even recommend to women to falsely claim these things to get custody and an even greater share of the estate, which in most cases was mostly built solely by the men.

Even when these claims do not surface men are seeing the divorce rates skyrocket to between 40 and 50 percent with almost 80% of those being filed by women. Given that men provide the lion’s share of the finance in a relationship they are looking at possible destitution being only a coin toss away and are balking at the thought of working their whole lives only to end up living in a shoebox-sized apartment in the worst neighborhood in town, while the ex is living the high life on his dime with her new beau.

Most men therefore who get exposed see the introduction to MGTOW as a lifesaver rather than an oppressive misogynist club. In fact, the purpose of MGTOW is to actually make women see that the imbalance and falsehoods that they claim as equality simply do not work and results in poverty, mental conditions, abandonment, and in some cases suicide.

Sadly the media portrays men who decide to adopt MGTOW for life as violent, anti-social, thuggish woman-haters but this is a falsehood perpetuated by the media and the left to try and shame men into accepting a raw deal in life. In fact, the reaction to MGTOW by women and the left is that it’s a hateful ideology designed to trick the world into giving men supposedly unlimited power and access to abuse. What it is, in reality, is men refusing to be treated like garbage and retreating to a private space where they can be happy, functioning individuals with circles of friends and a calm life full of hobbies and freedom.

So in essence what happened to MGTOW is freedom. Freedom to not be bullied or oppressed or forced to comply with biased courts or deal with false claims that can ruin the strongest of men. Men now are seeing that without the shackles of these stresses and the extra financial burdens of family or attorney costs they can pursue more meaningful careers and can even afford to earn less to do something they love.

How common is MGTOW? Well, it started recently in the grand scheme of things but it is growing in popularity. Popular websites like have membership levels in the 30 thousand mark but in reality, that number is likely to be underestimated by a factor of 100 or more meaning that there may be in excess of 3 million MGTOW men.

Many men may be wondering how to join the MGTOW movement but it’s more of a life choice than a membership to a website. So the best way, if you are learning how to go MGTOW is to go to sites like Youtube and have a look around, there are guys on the like ‘Better Batchelor’ and ‘Kevin Samuels’ that lean towards this, BB however is more MGTOW but KS is looking to make women better versions of themselves so they can be a better match for men.

Most western countries have a MGTOW presence due to the way the cards are stacked against men but the best countries for MGTOW men to live in seem to be countries where the women haven’t been corrupted by so-called western standards. In these countries, the women are less disagreeable, more feminine and polite, and are more likely to remain both faithful and cooperative with their men.

How common is MGTOW? It is a growing movement and the more far-left and ideological the world becomes the more men will retreat into their own world. This can have a devastating effect on the countries where this is becoming prevalent as, despite all the derogative terms that are thrown at men, it’s the men that perform all the crappy, nasty, dirty jobs, they build, they create and they pay heavily into the government coffers. Without them, women are going to be left high and dry as they are failing to be able to support themselves in increasing numbers. Given that men die earlier too they are seeing less money being available for the longer-living females so a campaign of hate is being aimed at men who simply just want to be left in peace.

What MGTOW is doing to modern society is giving it a wake-up call. Men are fed up with being treated like second-class citizens, fed up with being lied about, fed up with being abused. The media and governments try to call out men and push them back into submission with lies such as ‘toxic male separatists’. If you actually break this down you can see the lies staring you straight in the face. Firstly if these men are toxic then isn’t their withdrawal from society a good thing? Why is the media desperate to stop them going and stopping others from joining them if they too are toxic? The media then calls out men for not wanting a gynocratic society even though historically this has never been shown to have existed and many scholars even believe this will never work as it is a predominantly male-led society that has made all the advances that have led us to this point in time.

What are the levels of MGTOW? There are 4 levels really with men exercising their MGTOW rights in various ways.

Level 1 sees men withdrawing from long-term relationships. In many countries, men are forced into marriage-like states even when not married and then have to suffer the injustice of having to pay for and support someone he is not legally married to. In some cases, especially in some US states, men can be forced to pay child support for children that are not even theirs due to their common-law relationships with no onus being placed on the actual father of said children.

Level 2 sees men withdrawing from short-term relationships too. With the rise of fake dates where women date for free food and gifts with no interest in the man in question the men who value themselves have decided to not get involved with these types of women. The metoo movement has also found a large and increasing number of men being falsely accused of things such as rape, sexual misconduct and has had their lives ruined even after being vindicated. It’s important to note that women rarely get charged for lying and ruining men’s lives. Another reason to keep a distance.

Level 3 sees men economically detach from society. Many men who start to see increases in their wealth begin to work the system to reduce their taxable liabilities in order to keep less cash in their own pockets. The impact of this is that the governments rely on taxing men to support classes of people who deliberately put themselves in positions that then rely on government handouts rather than forming stable family units, such as single moms.

Level 4 sees men removing themselves from society completely and going off-grid or at least going somewhere remote where lies, accusations, and false claims are far removed from them. This leaves them to have a satisfying comfortable life with the problems that can arise by spending time with women.

What MGTOW gets right is that the world is beginning to wake up to the mistreatment of men. There are still those that are trying to push for women’s rights when they have more rights in most western countries than men in this day and age.

There are still injustices that most people refuse to address, the lack of mental health help for men, the lack of men’s shelters for abused men, the fact that men overwhelmingly die more than women at work, the men earn less in many industries despite the falsely claimed gender pay gap where women feel they earn less than men.

Other issues for men also get pushed under the carpet like a lack of assistance and recognition for domestically abused men, women getting custody in over 90% of cases, attorneys coaching women to lie about abuse to get greater sums of money, and guaranteed custody with unsubstantiated claims being accepted as true.

MGTOW what is the wall? Many men who ‘go MGTOW’ may refer to women hitting the wall. That loosely means becoming too old to be with. When you look at how the world sees men and women it is very different when looking at this from men’s and women’s perspectives.

Men look at women based on their SMV – their sexual market value (from Kevin Samuels). This is where a man looks at a woman’s height, weight, facial attractiveness, personality, and willingness to cooperate and be agreeable. Men don’t however, really care much about a woman’s education or job as long as they are attractive and agreeable.

Women look at men based on the package deal, they look at a man’s attractiveness, height, and weight but also his financial status and his ability to provide. They will also look at his level of education and what his future provisional status could be like too.

When men think about what a woman wants from him they are pretty much on point, they look at themselves and quite accurately judge their looks and if they are out of shape they actively do something about it if they are serious about attracting women of high caliber or SMV.

Where women get things wrong is that they believe a man cares about their academic credentials as one of the primary reasons for picking them. They have also been lied to by each other by telling themselves they are beautiful brave tens when they are not. Women are seeing increasingly higher rates of rejection and are baffled as to why this is happening. Phrases like ‘where have all the good men gone?’ are commonplace but the truth of the matter is a highly successful man will not ever pick or even date a woman who is average looking, obese, short, and has a nasty spiteful attitude.

Rather than look inwards to address the issue women lash out blaming men calling them misogynist and fatphobic (even though most obese women state they will never date an overweight man FYI women can call out men for being fat but men get canceled for doing the same thing, another injustice leading to men withdrawing from undesirable women).

How I became MGTOW was as a result of accepting abuse and negativity from women until I woke up and smelt the roses. I am in a relationship now but it’s full of healthy communication (gone are the mind games and sh*t tests that women routinely throw at men and if one comes my way I call it for what it is)

What is a MGTOW unicorn? For many men who have decided to jump onto the MGTOW ladder of exclusion, they still hold out some hope for that unicorn, a mythical beast that doesn’t exist. In this case, it means a woman who is attractive (to him) who is not overweight, who is faithful, has a low body count (didn’t sleep around), and has a pleasant and kind demeanor. A woman who is agreeable and will obey her man because she knows that everything he does is for his family and their wellbeing.

How MGTOW are you? I am guessing that if you are male and are reading this then you are most likely at level 1 or 2 in your life but are still hoping for that unicorn to come along. If you are female then you most likely have been pulling faces like you smell raw sewage and have been sneering at this article. However, if you are a decent woman then you may even be in agreement with many points raised here.

Whatever stage you are in life there is never a reason to treat someone badly or allow yourself to be treated badly. MGTOW is not an evil misogynistic cult full of bad men like the media will have you think. If anything it’s full of sad hurt men who just want to be happy even if that means stepping back from dating as they (and all men) deserve to be treated like decent, kind, strong, sensitive beings we are.

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