Why Do Men Get Married, Is It Bliss Or A Recipe For Disaster

When it comes to marriage many men jump in with both feet. They think it’s a chance for wedded bliss, for happily ever after. Even today men who get married think that have won the jackpot, that all their chicken have come home to roost and in many cases that’s true.

What are the main reasons men get married? They are:

  • Love
  • Commitment
  • Happiness
  • Security
  • Support
  • Friendship
  • Understanding
  • Money
  • Family
  • Sex

By being married men think that all of these boxes will be ticked and that the life of happiness will come with trumpets blaring in a huge fanfare.

For some men, however, this sadly does not last. Over half of men in the United States who get married will get divorced. For some, this comes as a shock as over two-thirds of divorces are initiated by women.

So what is going wrong? What changes? Well unfortunately for men in most cases it’s down to either the woman changes or the man doesn’t. Not changing though is a good thing right? No, some women see a man a ball of clay that can be shaped and when they find he’s already hardened and cannot be molded they become disillusioned with staying.

Let’s have a look at mens reasons for marriage and why some of these reasons are just not enough for some women


Loving each other is a sure fire way you know you want to be with the other person for the rest of your life. Intense infatuation can appear to have the same characteristics as love and is often the reason couples get married.

Sadly, infatuation quickly subsides after time passes leaving a love which is more like love for a family member or pet rather than the intense undying love they thought they had.


Men look at relationships logically and as such see marriage as the contract that it is. They generally try their best to fulfill the terms of that contract too. Working hard, providing for the family.

Men remain committed to marriage much more than women because they have a stronger sense of obligation and commitment than women do.

Men are quite resilient when it comes to the pressures that committing to a marriage can bring, especially where children and finances are involved


Men marry for happiness. They are doers, makers, providers. When they have the change to look after someone and be with a person who looks after them in return it makes them very happy. The division of labor combined with being with someone you love seems perfect for men,


Men see marriage as a security tool to keep others at bay. To keep their partner for the long haul then men, as Beyonce sings, “put a ring on it”.

Dating is often a hit and miss affair for men so when they meet their perfect match then they want to keep her. It makes a man feel secure knowing he has a woman who will always be there for him.


Men look at their woman as a source of support too. For many men out there in the single-man wilderness it can get pretty lonely. For the men in married-ville they always have a good woman by their side to shout encouragement and give support when needed.


You will often hear couples say of their partners “they are also my best friend”. This may be true in many cases but not all. Spending a lot of time with the same person allows you to know all their irks and quirks. What makes them tick.

It’s natural that if you share many of the same traits and interests as your spouse then you will become very close and see each other as great friends as well as husband and wife.


Men are often told to put up and shit up in life. To be silent and stoic about everything. So when they get married they feel they can spill the beans with their thoughts and feelings.

It’s this acceptance and willingness of women to listen to their man that leads them to think that “she get’s me”. She probably doesn’t more often than not but a problem shared is often a problem halved.


For some men, they assume that if both parties are working then sharing a place together rather than living separately will save money, which by and large, it does. Men also feel comfortable sharing their money as it forms part of the loving and taking care hunter-gatherer instincts I often mention on this website.


Men think about children as part and parcel of getting married and it’s a big driving factor. Men love kids just as much a women and to have offspring that will keep your name and/or legacy moving on is something many men are enamored by.


Yes, another driving force by men. Younger men think about sex far more often than older men do but nearly all men think that getting married is like getting the keys to the candy store. Instead of wondering when and where sexual intercourse will com, being married ensures it’s always close to hand.

Why men should not get married

Now we get to the part where we can lay the facts on the line. Sadly the reasons are many but despite that, we are still going to look at the main ones:

  • Women divorce men more than double the rate of men. Weddings are notoriously expensive and if there is more than a 65% chance you will be divorced it’s better to save that cash
  • Women will try to change you when you are married and will be angry when you don’t
  • Women will change even though you don’t want them to. They want to settle down and stop trying.
  • When divorcing women will take half the assets or more if you have kids, irrespective of how much they put into the marriage.
  • If you have kids there is less than a 20% chance you will get custody. If she gets custody then she may use them as pawns in her personal vendetta against you.
  • Women are controlling in the home so you may be expected to give up many things as part of your new life, especially things like hobbies and time with your friends.
  • In some states, you will have to pay alimony to her,
  • and depending on the length of your marriage it can be until she dies, even if she divorced you!
  • Women love playing mind games, she may mess with your head, gaslight you or even use the withholding os sex as a weapon

In conclusion:

As time passes the benefits of marriage are dwindling thanks to the social aggression and seemingly socially acceptable crushing of men’s rights and belief systems.

Women now are seeing the fruits of that labor. Now many men are becoming “red pill” men (waking up from the Matrix as it were) and are refusing relationships and commitment.

These men see marriage for the inequality that it is. The slim chance for happiness compared with the much larger chance of losing over half of everything you currently own and a bit chunk of what you will earn in the next 20 years. It’s not a risk men are now willing to take.

Women are now unfathomably outraged by this turn of events, calling men wimps, babies and often using toxic homophobic slurs to vent their anger.

Even if you lay out all the pros and cons, the cons being a list 3 to 5 times bigger they will still call you out for being negative and not “believing all women” when they say they will love honor and obey until death do they part.

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