Why Do Younger Men Date Older Women – More Experience?

When you thin of a younger guy dating an older woman the usual cliches start rolling into your mind. Names like cougar and milf and phrases like grave robber come to the fore. Dating older women is not something new and it happens more often than we realize but why do younger guys like it?

Younger guys prefer older women who are more stable and open with their feelings and actions. They prefer someone less likely to play games and mess them around. Men like the direct no-nonsense approach to sex as well, knowing that a mature woman will have more experience in the bedroom.

Yes it’s true that some younger women can provide that too but let’s look at why older women can win over their younger counterparts.

Caring and affectionate

A more mature woman is likely to show their affection more openly and be more giving with here heart as she has had experience of playing the dating game and may have come to realize all the childish games that were played when she was younger did not do anything worthwhile and may have actually caused more harm than good.

The nurturing genes are at work here too. When a woman is younger her focus is all about catching a man and having children but when they are older the maternal instincts become stronger and can make them more affectionate and loving as a result. The desire to love and care for those around them drives women and increases as time passes.


Older women have more life experience so they are inclined to share this knowledge with her man. This can be in the form of humorous anecdotes, key life lessons and in depth discussions.

Having someone who is more focused on life rather than the latest phone or pop group can be very rewarding for a guy as they often like to have interesting debates and talks about a variety of topics. Younger women don’t tend to have as wide a variety of knowledge of things as an older woman would so they may be less interesting as a result.


Mature women are, well, more mature. They are prone to being sensible and have a less erratic outlook on life. Game playing while possible will be less prevalent with an older woman. She knows and accepts that games such as playing hard to get or flirting with other guys to make someone jealous are not healthy and do not really work to their advantage in the lon run.

This maturity also makes them more stable in a relationship. More likely to talk about feelings honestly. Be open about likes and dislikes and will not run off at the slightest provocation, preferring to resolve differences sensibly.


Having a mature partner can also be beneficial when it comes to making significant life choices for yourself. Getting advice from a more mature individual can offer help as they may have already been through the same situation you may be facing to could give you some critical information.

This guidance, can help shape young men to be more respectful of women in general by giving them a more in-depth understanding of what makes women tick. Secrets you won’t get from younger women who are still playing tricks and mind games with you.


Mature women are more likely to be more dominant too. Not in an aggressive way but because of their past. They may have had a more passive role in previous relationships and have now realized that it may not have been the best thing to do.

This dominance may take the form of being the first to suggest dates, what to do and where to go. She may speak up and challenge your ideas and choices if she doesn’t agree with them or finds them less palatable than other things.

This doesn’t mean she is going to be a more controlling bully but someone who is honest and open. Someone who will not go somewhere they hate just to make you happy and then be silently mad at you for ruining a day you did not have the mind reading ability to predict. Instead they will decline, telling you they are not interested and would rather you go with friends and that they will be waiting for you when you return.


Now we get to the elephant in the room. The reason most of us thought about when we first broached this subject. Yes, it’s true, older women on average are much more likely to be more sexually experienced than younger women. They are also more likely to understand the emotional bond that is created when 2 consenting adult have sex together as well.

Many younger guys can usually find their “rhythm” when it comes to sex but not always. They can be a bit clumsy and fumble around. If they are with a kind, gentle understanding older women she can show the younger guy what to do and how to do it so that both parties have a pleasurable time.

Older women often like this as it brings them closer to the guy emotionally as their mentor and the guy feels closer as he knows exactly what to do and what she likes so he feels great knowing he can please her too.

Younger guys often have more sexual energy and stamina than guys who are much older so this too works in favor of the relationship. Women tend to reach their sexual peak later in life so having a guy who is a bit younger can help to keep them both happy in the bedroom.

In conclusion:

While sex can play a big part in any relationship, bucking the trends and societal norms by dating outside your “expected” age range should not be seen as the taboo it’s made out to be.

People often assume these kinds of relationships are just about the physical but usually it’s more about the chemistry. Younger men can benefit from the stability and maternal affection provided by the woman and the woman can benefit too by having someone younger and therefore less likely to have ingrained conflicting attitudes and ideals.

Physically they can be more suitably matched too as an older guy may have a lower sex drive which for some older women can be an issue, so younger men who are more interested in sex can provide that solution.

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